Repentance means turning around

Repentance means turning around

We are seeing that revival brings with it clear marks in the life of a believer. We will experience these in our own lives as we open up to the move of God. The fourth mark is a repentance that is renewed daily.

In revival our minds are renewed. Paul says in Romans 12:1 that we are “transformed” – totally changed when this happens to us. It is like realising something for the very first time. The prodigal son reached a point when he “came to his senses” and faced the facts. He saw things as they really were, and set about changing his life. Once the strongholds are broken in your mind you will begin to see things more clearly. We begin to see what is acceptable to God. We may need to let go of much of what we have become used to as we replace our standards with God’s. We also begin to see what is appropriate for us as children of the fight. Behaviour that we may feel is optional will suddenly be essential. Half-hearted obedience will immediately seem shallow and backslidden.

The Devil’s Tool

The only real weapons the Devil has are his lies. Most of the intimidation and attack we suffer boils down to the deception of the enemy. That’s why the Bible is so important to us – it exposes things and strips the strength from Satan. He will try and keep us from seeing the severity of sin by blinding us to its results. But once we have broken those strongholds we understand the true nature of sin and its effect on God. We are shocked when we realise how half-hearted we have been in our faith. And we will be confronted by how little we do that really counts for eternity.

Changing Direction

As soon as the prodigal son saw things as they really were, he changed direction. In revival there is a daily place for coming before God and repenting of any sin which you are aware of in your life. It is not enough to know you are going in the wrong direction – that simply increases guilt and condemnation if nothing further is done. We must turn around and go the other way. This means examining your life on your knees before God, with an open Bible, and under the conviction of the Holy Spirit. It means that you will deal with sin in your life – as an act of your will. You will put off those things that are associated with the old lifestyle of sin, and embrace God’s holiness

Make it your aim today to ask God to examine you. As the Psalmist says, “Search me O God, and know my heart. Test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.” (Psalm 139 vv. 23-24). As you open up to God, you will find your strife and spiritual weariness replaced by His joy and strength.


Colin is always on the move, so keep up to date, interact with him and pray for him.